


ACHCA's 50th Annual Convocation & Exposition


District 3 Meeting




ACHCA's 50th Annual Convocation & Exposition


District 3 Meeting





District 3 Meeting

Business Partner of the Year: Med Care Pharmacy
New Administrator of the Year: Heather O'Banion, LNHA
Distinguished Service Award: Tim McAdoo, LNHA
Outstanding Member Award: Melanie Eaton, MBA, CNHA, FACHCA, SRNA
Phil McConnell Scholarship Award: Darla Hayden




At the 2013 National Convocation, the Kentucky Chapter was awarded the Chapter Achievement Award for its professional newsletter, The Advisor. Board President and Editor of The Advisor, Israel Ray, accepted the award on the chapter's behalf.

At this year's District 3 meeting, the Kentucky Chapter recognized Ray Dickerson as Administrator of the Year and Blue Sky Therapy for Best Partner of the Year.