Welcome to ACHCA - Kentucky Chapter! Thank you for your interest in the Kentucky Chapter of ACHCA. Our Chapter along with the national ACHCA aspires to be the leading force in promoting excellence in leadership among long-term care administrators. ACHCA is the ONLY nationwide professional society dedicated to advancing the standards of long-term care – throughout the continuum of care. In any professional organization, its membership involvement is vital to networking and collectively helping one-another to enhance and improve our leadership skills. All attorneys generally belong to their respective state and county Bar Associations. So as a Long Term Care Professional should you not aspire to be the best leader for your residents, families, and staff by being a part of ACHCA? We have an exciting year ahead of us for our members. As a member there are a number of exclusive member’s only benefits. I along with our KY Chapter Board of Directors look forward to meeting you at upcoming events and training opportunities!
- Israel Ray, CNHA, M.H.A., CNA